___ For vizitors->Conference programme ___





International conference

"The Contribution of the Industrial Hemp Business to the Development of Restorative (Regenerative) Agriculture and the Circular Economy in Rural Areas"

Moderator of the conference PhD. Vilma ATKOČIŪNIENĖ




8 November (Friday)


 9.00  -  9.30 Registration, welcome coffee, introduction to the hemp business exposition.

 9.30 - 10.30 Opening of the conference.
                     Panel discussion on "Good practices of regenerative farming to address today's challenges: the progressive decline in soil and crop nutritional quality, the decline in farmland productivity and ensuring biodiversity in the agricultural sector".
                    Conference room
                  Invited participants:
                         Kazys STARKEVIČIUS, Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania;
                         Astrida MICEIKIENĖ, Chancellor of the VMU Agriculture Academy;
                         Žydrė KADŽIULIENĖ, Lithuanian Centre for Agrarian and Forest Sciences;
                         Valentinas GENYS, Promoter of organic farming;
                         Vytautas BUIVYDAS, Vice-Chairman of the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture;
                         Viktor KABANETS, Industrial hemp plant breeder (Ukraine);
                         Hana GABRIELOVA, President of the Czech Hemp Cluster (CzecHemp).

10.30-11.00 Coffee break and a visit to the hemp Business Exposition.
                        Ground and 1st floor lobbies in building No 4

11.00-12.30 Scientists’ Hour: new insights into agricultural development  
                        Conference room

    • Soil health and ecosystem services.
      Žydrė KADŽIULIENĖ, Lithuanian Centre of Agrarian and Forest Sciences.

    • Soil management and regenerative agriculture.
      Vaclovas BOGUŽAS, Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Agriculture. 

    • Innovative technologies for Lithuanian and Ukrainian hemp business.
      Irina LAIKO, Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine.

12.30–13.20 Lunch break.
                             Ground floor lobby

13.20–14.20 Guest time: building the international cooperation network "Hemp for Victory 2.0".
                             Conference room

  • The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) initiative to promote the hemp business in the EU.
         Hana GABRIELOVA, Member of the Council of the European Industrial Hemp Association.

  • Insights from Ukrainian representatives on opportunities for cooperation at the most difficult time for Ukraine and in post-war reconstruction.
         Viktor KABANETS, Director of the Institute of Bast Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences;
         Andrii ALECHKO, Ukrainian Association of Flax and Hemp Growers;
         Konstantin TTYMOFENKO, Co-owner of FG "Veles ARS";
         Oleksandr LYSIJ, Head of Economics, FG "Veles ARS";
         Hilarion YAROSHENKO, Representative of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy;
         Serhiy USACHENKO, Engineer of “UKRSmoly”;
         Serhiy RUBAN, Representative of “UKRSmoly”;
    Irina LAIKO, Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine.

14.20-15.10 Farmers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Hour: contribution of hemp to sustainable and profitable economic activity.
                    Conference room

    • Use of crop residues for soil improvement.
      Laimonas RUZGAILA, "Soilpower".

    • Best practices from many years of practice in soil health promotion.
      Valentinas GENYS, organic farming promoter.

15.00-15.30 Coffee beak, visiting the hemp business exposition.
                     Ground and 1st floor lobbies of building No 4

15.30-17.00 Innovators' Hour: the mysterious world of cannabinoids.
                    Conference room

    • Phytocannabinoids: lost in a jungle of myths, hoaxes, legislation, reality and reliable scientific information.
           Petras Rimantas VENSKUTONIS, Chair of Food Science and Technology, KTU.

    • Impact of Cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids in hemp flower oil on anxiety syndrome (AS) and its patients.
           Gytis LELIUKAS, Master of Health Sciences.

    • Current trends in cannabinoid business development in the European Union and insights for Lithuania.
           Rokas AUGULIS, Association of Hemp Growers, Processors and Business Innovators.

    • Humans - Bees – Hemp.
           Edgar BABANOV, „CannaHub“ (Czech Republic).


9 November (Saturday)


  9.00-10.00 Registration, welcome coffee, introduction to the hemp business exposition.

10.00-12.00 The green transformation of the economy: developing the circular economy in the regions.
                     Conference room.

    • Bioeconomy and circular agriculture for soil health.
           Karolina BARČAUSKAITĖ, Lithuanian Centre for Agrarian and Forest Sciences.

    • Role of industrial hemp in the development of bioeconomy.
           Hana GABRIELOVA, President of the Czech Hemp Cluster (CzecHemp).

    • Thermochemical conversion of hemp biomass: potential and research results.
           Egidijus ZVICEVIČIUS, VMU Academy of Agriculture.
           Kęstutis ŽIŪRA, VMU Academy of Agriculture.

    • What is the outlook for on-farm hemp cultivation and processing from a farmer's point of view?
           Julius MARTINONIS, organic hemp farmer.

    • Innovations in cannacrete construction and production of hemp composites.
           Antanas VALČIUKAS, UAB „Kanapiniai sprendimai“.

12.00–13.00 Lunch break.
                         Ground floor lobby

13.00–14.30 Ukrainian Guest Hour: Ukrainian Guest Hour: opportunities for cooperation at the most difficult time for the country and in post-war reconstruction. 
                        Conference room

                Viktor KABANETS, Director of the Institute of Bast Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences;
                Andrii ALECHKO, Ukrainian Association of Flax and Hemp Growers;
                Konstantin TTYMOFENKO, Co-owner of FG "Veles ARS";
                Oleksandr LYSIJ, Head of Economics, FG "Veles ARS";
                Hilarion YAROSHENKO, Representative of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy;
                Serhiy USACHENKO, Engineer of “UKRSmoly”;
                Serhiy RUBAN, Representative of “UKRSmoly”;
                Irina LAIKO, Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine.

14.30-14.50 Coffee beak, visiting the hemp business exposition.
                     Ground and 1st floor lobbies of building No 4

14.50–17.30 Dissemination of good practices in hemp business: introduction to the Hemp Food and Building Promotion Centre.
                         Conference participants will go to the centre for the dissemination of hemp culture in the village of Kašelių, Šakiai district, where a tasting of hemp food products will be organised.




*The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the conference programme. 

Information updated on 08.11.2024







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