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Video overview of the exhibition


26-28 September 2024
at VMU Academy of Agriculture
the specialised exhibition "Livestock 2024" was held 


For the second time, the Business and Social Partnership Centre of the Academy of Agriculture of the VMU College of Agriculture organised the exhibition "Animal Husbandry 2024". The main exhibits of the exhibition were: dairy and beef cattle of different breeds, horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, poultry, etc. Associations and farmers exhibited different breeds of farm animals, and the best of them were awarded prizes and prizes. The exhibition was an opportunity to see and learn more about different species, breeds and care of livestock, as well as to take part in animal demonstrations.

The expert jury evaluated the breeding animals exhibited at Livestock 2024 and awarded:

  • Best of all animals - Angus cattle (ID No LT000008711236) (Gintautas Migonis).

  • Best of all animals - Angus cattle (ind. No LT0000087112236) (Gintautas Migonis).

  • Best dairy cattle - Holstein cattle (ind. No LT0000009099454) (Griškabūdžio ŽŪB).

  • Best of the rams - Suffolk ram cattle (ind. No LT1283305) (Eimantė Laucevičienė).

In addition to the extensive animal exhibition, the guests of the exhibition could visit the exhibition of livestock breeding equipment, get acquainted with feed preparation equipment, loaders, milking and manure handling equipment. Companies presented livestock and poultry feed additives, products developed for manure management, and various services for livestock farms.



The most innovative exhibits this year were:

  • PENERGETIC K, an environmentally friendly agent for aerobic decomposition of manure, compost and bio-waste (UAB Bioenergy LT).

  • LELY DISCOVERY COLLECTOR manure collection robot (AB "Lytagra").

  • Telescopic loader MERLO TF42.7 TTCS-136 (UAB "Rovaltra").

This year, agricultural processors also took part in the exhibition. Biovela-Utenos mėsa UAB was the main sponsor of the exhibition. A beef tasting event was held at the fair. Luc Deliere, a master in the field of meat cutting and preparation, shared his knowledge and experience with a guest from France.

A conference on "Sustainable livestock farming: challenges and opportunities" took place during the fair. Representatives of various livestock associations and the Ministry of Agriculture discussed the current issues in livestock breeding, farm development and support measures. Scientists from the LSMU Academy of Veterinary Medicine presented innovative technologies for livestock farms, discussed the nuances of disease prevention, ensuring the sustainability of dairy farms in the economic, social and environmental spheres, and many other issues.

We hope that farmers and livestock enthusiasts took the opportunity at the event to establish valuable contacts with processors of agricultural products, sellers of livestock machinery, equipment and products, and to conclude mutually beneficial business transactions.



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