On September 26-28, 2024
in VMU Agriculture Academy
the specialized exhibition "Livestock 2024" will be held.


In the exhibition organized by the Business and Social Partnership Center of the VMU Agriculture Academy, the main exhibits of the exhibition will be dairy and meat cattle, horses, goats, rabbits and poultry of different breeds.

In addition to the abundant exposition of animals, visitors who are engaged in and interested in animal husbandry will be able to visit the exhibition of animal husbandry equipment, get acquainted with feed preparation equipment, loaders, feed dispensers, milking and manure handling equipment, etc. The companies will present livestock and poultry feed additives, products designed for handling manure, microbiological products, and various services for livestock farms. The five most innovative exhibits will be awarded exhibition medals.

The conference "Sustainable animal husbandry: challenges and opportunities" will be held at the exhibition. In it, representatives of various animal associations and the Ministry of Agriculture will discuss the current affairs, development and support measures of farm animal breeding. LSMU Veterinary Academy researchers will present innovative technologies for livestock farms, discuss the possibilities of disease prevention, ensuring the sustainability of dairy farms in the economic, social and environmental fields and many other issues.

Educational events will be held during the exhibition.



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