Attendance at the event is free.


International industrial hemp business event “Cannabis Hub.LT 2024”
is being organized
by the Centre for Business and Social Partnership at the VMU Agriculture Academy
and the Association of Industrial Hemp Growers, Processors and Business Innovators
on 8–9 November 2024

The event includes a fiber hemp business exhibition, a contact fair and an international conference. The theme of this year's conference is the contribution of the fiber hemp business to the development of restorative (regenerative) agriculture and the circular economy in rural areas. It welcomes those interested in fiber hemp business prospects, legal regulation and support, and the latest technological advances.

The event "Cannabis Hub.LT" has been held in Lithuania every year since 2020. It is traditionally attended by cannabis business specialists from the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine, and we have also received guests from Scandinavia, the USA and even Japan.

This year, the conference participants will be introduced to the business potential of fiber hemp in order to stop soil degradation and increase the productivity of land. The best Lithuanian and foreign agricultural specialists will give presentations at the conference.

The development of the hemp business value chain starts with the cultivation of fibrous hemp, therefore we invite professional farmers from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the conference. For representatives of the cannabis business, we provide simultaneous translation of the conference's key messages into Lithuanian, English and Russian.

Although the main focus of the conference will be on soil quality restoration and maintenance technologies, conference participants will also be informed about fiber hemp business innovations and market development in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Poland. Also, the conference-exhibition will present innovations in hemp construction and food products.

The themes of the exhibition:

  • Certified seeds of industrial hemp and modern cultivation technologies;

  • Seed and biomass processing and refining equipment;

  • Fiber hemp products (food, cosmetics, etc.);

  • Organic fertilisers, plant protection products and biostimulants;

  • Hemp biocomposites and their products;

  • Hemp construction materials and technologies;

  • Selection, research and consultancy services of industrial hemp;

  • Educational services;

  • Other.



