___ Canabis HUB 2023->Conference programme ___




International conference

"The Potential of Industrial Hemp Business
In Strengthening the Relationship Between the Baltic States and Ukraine"

Moderator of the conference PhD. Vilma Atkočiūnienė


27 October (Friday)


  9.00–10.00   Registration, welcome coffee and introduction to the cannabis business exposition.

  9.30–10.00   Video overview "Chronicle of the Lithuanian cannabis business".
                          Conference room.

  9.30–10.30   Opening of the conference.
                       Panel discussion "Developing the potential of the cannabis business to increase Baltic support to Ukraine".
                          Conference room.
                          Viktoras Pranckietis, Chairman of the Parliament Committee on Rural Affairs, Lithuania;
                          Vytautas Abukauskas, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Lithuania;
                          Vida Audra Budrienė, Director of “BioSyyd”, Lithuania;

                          Vydas Damalakas, Head of “Omniteksas” Group, Lithuania;
                          Herrick Fox, Industrial Hemp Trade & Development, JAV. 
                          Ilarion Yaroshenko, “Pharm-Register LLC”, Ukraine;
                          Oleksandr Krachylo, “Hempiness.Global”, Ukraine;

                          Jacek Kramaarz, Member of the Board of the European Industrial Hemp Association, Poland.

11.00–12.30   Guest hour.
                           Conference room.

  • Reviving cannabis cultivation in Ukraine: a new legal framework, public- private partnerships, investment prospects.
    Vera Ulyanchenko, Eco-Industrial Park, Ukraine.
  • Use of non-psychoactive cannabinoids in the treatment of military personnel for pain syndromes and PTSD.
    Ilarion Yaroshenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Military Pharmacy of the Military Medical Academy, Director of “PHARM- REGISTER LLC”.
  • Challenges and opportunities for cooperation with Latvian entrepreneurs in the development of industrial hemp business.
    Mārtiņš Židenš, “Hemp Time”, Latvia.

13.30–14.45   Farming and constructors hour: contribution of cannabis to a sustainable and profitable farm.
                          Conference room.

  • Challenges and opportunities for organic cannabis business: the case of Allive Europe.
    Jekaterina Rymonienė, Director of “Allive Europe”, Lithuania.

  • Harvesting and maintaining the quality of industrial hemp for fibre.
    Egidijus Zvicevičius, VMU Academy of Agriculture, Lithuania.

  • Innovations in hempcrete construction.
    Antanas Valčiukas, “Kanapiniai sprendimai”, Lithuania.
  • Best practices for the construction and reconstruction of buildings using hemp composites.
    Modestas Žukauskas, “Hemp Balt”, Lithuania.
  • National Food Quality System (NFQS) requirements.
    Ramūnas Stonkus, Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.

15.00–16.30   Time for partnership: from insights to joint action planning.
                          Conference room.

  • Rapid development of the bio-economy, including the industrial hemp business, is a response to the challenges of climate change and geopolitics.
    Aušrinė Armonaitė, Minister for Economic Affairs and Innovation, Lithuania.
  • International investment and development aid to boost industrial hemp production and trade for Ukraine's reconstruction and resilience.
    Herrick Fox, Industrial Hemp Trade & Development, JAV.
  • Trends in cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania.
    Irina Laiko, Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine.
  • Hemp is a sustainable solution for wood processing and the food industry. An overview of innovations on the Polish market.
    Jacek Kramarz, “Hempeat”, Poland.

16.30–17.00   Educational programme
                           First floor lobby.

  • Making and tasting of hemp milk flavoured with sea buckthorn syrup. 
    Vilma Atkočiūnienė ir Andrius Šironas, EIP Group “Innofood Hub”, Lithuania.


28 October (Saturday)


  9.00–10.00   Registration, welcome coffee, introduction to the cannabis business exposition.

  9.30–10.00   Video overview "Chronicle of the Lithuanian cannabis business".
                          Conference room.

10.00–12.00   Innovators hour: offering new markets, products and services.
                          Conference room.

  • Development of the Japanese cannabis market – new opportunities for Lithuanian business.
    Kristina Mineikienė, Lithuanian Attaché for Agriculture in Japan.

  • Eco-Industrial  Park HEMPY UA proposals for research and business cooperation with the Baltic States.
    Andrei Alechko, Eco-Industrial Park HEMPY UA, Ukraine.

  • Innovations in cannabis processing dictated by war.
    Oleksandr Krachylo, “Hempiness.Global”, Ukraine.

  • Experience of Khmelnitsky Pharmacy of Original Drugs – a basis for expanding international cooperation.
    Oleksandr Shemchiuk, Khmelnitsky Pharmacy of Original Drugs, Ukraine.

  • Use of hemp fibre in the development of short-term prosthetic limbs and wartime first aid equipment.
    Tadas Juknius, ,”Romecis'”, Lithuania.

  • Business model for the double harvest of industrial hemp – growing cannabis for seed and biomass harvest.
    Mārtiņš Židenš, “Hemp Time”, Latvia.

  • Poland's hemp program and good practice in its implementation.
    Witold Czeszak, Head of the Polish Cannabis Program, Poland.

  • Science results in business: demand and opportunities.
    Edvinas Samys, VMU Centre for Communication and Technology Transfer, Lithuania.

13.00–14.00   Farming and agronomy hour: contribution of cannabis to sustainable farming and the development of the bioeconomy.
                          Conference room.

  • Innovations in the cultivation of industrial hemp for biomass.
    Laimonas Ruzgaila, “Soilpower”, Lithuania.
  • A customised profile of a biodynamic hemp farm with the mandatory attributes. Well-being of the farm soil, plants, livestock and the owner.
    Rasa Čirienė, President of the biodynamic farming association “DEMETER LIETUVA”; 
    Gintautas Žebelys, owner of a biodynamic hemp farm, Lithuania.

14.30–15.00   Health time: health benefits of industrial hemp preparations.
                           Conference room.

  • Stress balance: how to balance the endocannabinoid system with quality?
    Nerijus Braždžiūnas, physiotherapist, Lithuania.

15.00–17.00   Educational programmes:
                           First floor lobby.

  • Stress balance. Demonstration of how to reduce and balance stress levels by influencing the endocannabinoid system.
    Nerijus Braždžiūnas, physiotherapist, Lithuania.
  • Historical heritage of the cannabis trade. Demonstration of an ancient method for extracting hemp fibre.
    Milda Petkevičienė-Dečkuvienė, folk singers' ensemble “Lakiūtė“, Lithuania.
  • Demonstration of Lithuanian hemp-fibre jeans.
    Eglė Puzaraitė, “Baltarankė”, Lithuania.
  • Making and tasting hemp meat.
    Jacek KRAMARZ, Member of the Board of the European Industrial Hemp Association, Poland.
  • Making and tasting of hemp milk and cheese flavoured with sea buckthorn syrup.
    Vilma Atkočiūnienė ir Andrius Šironas, EIP Group “Innofood Hub”, Lithuania.


*The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the conference programme. 

Information updated on 26.10.2023







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