___ Canabis HUB 2022->Conference program ___

International conference

"Development of industrial hemp business in the Baltic region –
a prerequisite for a bioeconomy breakthrough"

VMU-AA IV Building, Universiteto 8 A, Akademija, Kaunas district

November 11 (Friday)

  9.00–10.00    Registration, introduction to the hemp business exposition.

  9.30–10.00    Video presentation “Achievements of the Lithuanian Hemp Business“.
                             Conference Hall

10.00–12.00    Opening of the conference. Panel discussion on "The place and role of hemp businesses in the development of the bioeconomy".
                             Conference Hall
                            Mykolas Majauskas, Chairman of the LR Seimas Committee on Budged and Finance;
                           Viktoras Pranckietis, Chairman of the LR Seimas Committee on Rural Affairs;
                           Jonas Gudauskas, member of the LR Seimas Committee on Rural Affairs;
                           Valdas Aleknavičius, Chancellor of the Ministry of Agriculture;
                           Sergiy Tkachenko, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Bast Crops;
                           Shunichi Yamaguchi, Member of Parliament of Japan (remote video greeting);
                           Attorney Shieri Mori, Japanese delegation (Japan Green Industry Co., Ltd.);
                           Astrida MiceikienÄ—, Chancellor of VMU Agriculture Academy.

12.00–12.30    Coffee break.
                             1st floor foyer.

12.30–13.30    Farmers and agronomists' hour: cultivating hemp protects soil and biodiversity.
                             Room 211, 1st floor.

        • Innovative directions in industrial hemp cultivation.
          Irina Laiko, The Ukrainian Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine

        • Harvesting and storage of industrial hemp: objectives, risks and solutions.
          Egidijus Zvicevičius, VMU Agriculture Academy, Lithuania.

        • Industrial hemp in organic farm crop rotation. From selection of reproductive material to buying-in of the harvest.
          Tomas Danisevičius, Vice President; Modestas Paliulis, Director of Agriculture, UAB „Allive Europe“, Lithuania.

13.00–14.30    Builders' hour: creating a sustainable living environment.
                             Conference Hall

        • Current state of hemp processing in Ukraine.
          Anton Korobko and Dmitry Nosenko, Kalypso-Hemp, Ukraine.

        • Model analysis of a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) in Lithuania with hemp shive composite envelope.
          Karolis Banionis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.

        • Construction and reconstruction of buildings using hemp composites.
          Juozas Jankauskas, Hemp Balt, Lithuania.

        • Research and application issues related to concrete made with hemp shives.
          Vincas Gurskis, VMU Agriculture Academy, Lithuania.

14.00–15.00     EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "HISTORICAL HERITAGE OF THE HEMP BUSINESS" (the ancient method of hemp fiber extraction will be demonstrated).
                             1st floor foyer.
                             Milda PetkevičienÄ—-DečkuvienÄ—, collective of contract singers "LakiÅ«tÄ—", Lithuania.

14.30–15.00    Coffee break and introduction to the hemp business exhibition.

15.00–17.00    Field trip to a hemp construction site.

15.00–16.00    Sustainable fashion hour: priority for hemp fibre and textiles.
                             Conference Hall

        • Thermoregulatory properties of biodegradable textiles containing natural hemp fibre.
          LaimutÄ— StygienÄ—, SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology Department of Textile Technologies, Lithuania.

        • Comparative analysis of hemp fabrics of Lithuanian production with more conventional linen fabrics: properties, consumption, and ecology.
          IndrÄ— TautkutÄ—-StankuvienÄ—, Firm „KlasikinÄ— tekstilÄ—“; EglÄ— KumpikaitÄ—, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.

        • Manufacturing of Lithuanian jeans from hemp fibre.
          EglÄ— PuzaraitÄ—, MB „BaltarankÄ—“, Lithuania.

16.00–17.00    Hemp and natural fibre clothing show. Introduction to the hemp business exhibition.
                             Conference Hall

November 12 (Saturday)

  9.00–10.00    Registration, introduction to the hemp business exposition.

  9.30–10.00    Video presentation “Achievements of the Lithuanian Hemp Business“.
                             Conference Hall.

10.00–11.30    Innovators' hour: offering new products.
                             Conference Hall

        • The use of agrodrones in hemp cultivation – a brief overview of the benefits of innovative agrotechnology.
          Mindaugas Dorelis, UAB „Agrodronas“, Lithuania.

        • “Midwest“ and „Northwest“ hemp varieties with 15-16% CBD offered by “CBD Seed Europe“, and a hemp cultivation trial initiated by KAPVIA.
          Nerijus Riauba, UAB „Kanapių žiedas“; Rimantas ÄŒiÅ«tas, KAPVIA, Lithuania.

        • New varieties of hemp for the European market.
          Mindaugas Gaurys, Product Development Manager, UAB „Allive Europe“, Lithuania.

        • Hemp tourism – an untapped potential for Lithuanian family farms.
          Andrius Šironas, Organic hemp farm „Šironija“, Lithuania.

        • Obelisk Farm: industrial hemp that brings new life to the countryside.
          Andris and Debora, Hemp farm „Obelisk Farm“, Latvia.

        • The experience of the legal regulation of cannabis business including CBD in Finland.
          Jaakko Myllyniemi, Finland.

12.00–12.30    Coffee break.
     1st floor foyer.

12.00–13.30    Educational programme "Hemp paper production".
                             1st floor foyer.
                        Andris and Debora, Hemp farm „Obelisk Farm“, Latvia.

12.30–13.30    Farmers and agronomists' hour: cultivating hemp protects soil and biodiversity.
                             Conference Hall.

        • Innovative directions in industrial hemp cultivation.
          Irina Laiko, The Ukrainian Institute of Bast Crops, Ukraine.

        • The role of bioenergy crops in crop rotation and soil health.
          Vytautas Liakas, VMU Agriculture Academy, Lithuania.

        • Technologies for the cultivation of hemp for fibre.
          Laimonas Ruzgaila, Soilpower, Lithuania.

        • Industrial hemp in organic farm crop rotation. From selection of reproductive material to buying-in of the harvest.
          Modestas Paliulis, Director of Agriculture, UAB “Allive Europe”, Lithuania.

13.00–14.00    Builders' hour: responding to the challenges of the present – creating a sustainable living environment.

                             Room 211 , 1st floor.

        • Current state of hemp processing in Ukraine.
          Anton Korobko and Dmitry Nosenko, Kalypso-Hemp, Ukraine.

        • Construction and reconstruction of buildings using hemp composites.
          Juozas Jankauskas, Hemp Balt, Lithuania.

        • Research and application issues related to concrete made with hemp shives.
          Vincas Gurskis, VMU Agriculture Academy, Lithuania.

14.30–15.00    Coffee break and introduction to the hemp business exhibition.

15.00–16.00    Health hour: spreading the word about the health benefits of hemp and its products.
                             Conference Hall.

        • The program for the development of biologically active cannabinoids using modern pharmacological approaches.
          Vida Audra BudrienÄ—, CEO of BioSyyd; Povilas Kavaliauskas, research fellow, Weill Cornell Medical University, New York, USA (online presentation).

        • Processes for converting industrial hemp into high-value products and the quality of the resulting products.
          Rimantas Venskutonis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.

        • Innovative preparations for the treatment of persons suffering from post-traumatic stress.
          Ilarion Yaroshenko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Ukraine.

16.00–17.00    Educational programme "Hot chocolate with CBD. How to properly prepare a CBD coffee/cocoa drink?"
                             1st floor foyer.
                        Jaakko Myllyniemi, „Hamppumaa“, Finland.






