___ Exhibition laureates ___

Breeding animals evaluated at the show:

  • Best of all animals - Angus cattle (ID No LT000008711236) (Gintautas Migonis).
  • Best of all animals - Angus cattle (ind. No LT0000087112236) (Gintautas Migonis).
  • Best dairy cattle - Holstein cattle (ind. No LT0000009099454) (Griškabūdžio ŽŪB).
  • Best of the rams - Suffolk ram cattle (ind. No LT1283305) (Eimantė Laucevičienė).


The most innovative exhibits in the show:

  • PENERGETIC K, an environmentally friendly agent for aerobic decomposition of manure, compost and bio-waste (UAB Bioenergy LT).

  • LELY DISCOVERY COLLECTOR manure collection robot (AB "Lytagra").

  • Telescopic loader MERLO TF42.7 TTCS-136 (UAB "Rovaltra").